Florian Scherzer: Freelance Creative, Art Director, Author, Copywriter.

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This is Florian

Nice to meet you. My name is Florian and I am a creative in the communication sector. Advertising, editorial, social-media-communication, PR, social-media-content, online, offline... My main focuses are art direction, graphic design, and copywriting. Since 2018, I have been working as a freelancer and am available for (almost) all types of projects.

This is a short preview of my portfolio and gives you a first impression of what I have done so far and how I work. If you want to see my complete oeuvre, just send me a short e-mail and I will answer with a link to my portfolio, my CV and some informations about my the daily or hourly rate.

The Merkwürdigkeitsprinzip

How does one best describe their working style as a creative? Is it essential for a creative to have a USP? Should I list bullet points with my main skills? Do I need a brand key? Sounds dreadful. Better to find a term that encompasses all of it. Like this one: Florian operates on the 'Merkwürdigkeitsprinzip' (Merk (remember) -würdig (worth). Or the Oddity Principle).

Huh? 'Oddity Principle', 'mairkwoordik'? That sounds very odd indeed", you're probably thinking. But if you let the term sink in for a moment, it no longer seems strange but logical and accurate. 'Merkwürdig' (odd or peculiar) doesn't just mean quirky or weird, but it also means so special, extraordinary, and different that it is memorable. In other words: Merk (remember) -würdig (worth). Worth remembering (welcome to German, Lesson 1). That's precisely the principle behind my ideas, my designs, and my writing. Creating communication that's so exceptional, it's unforgettable.

For the complete portfolio, please send a short email to fs@scherzerfllori.de . Thank you

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